
Who wants this stuff?!

Just tap out before you get hurt

Say Bananatorium three times and a Big Mac falls from the sky into your hands

Oh my gosh, you thought there was a comic on this site? Nah, dude, you'll need to scroll down further and smash the link. Bananatorium started as an MS Paint "pencil" drawing in off topic chatter on a forum dedicated to laptops. Now THAT is a weird sentence.

Banana's look comes from an old forum animated GIF from the 2000's, and if you're thinking that's an ancient reference, may I remind you the 'old' peanut-butter-jelly-time GIF was about 3 years away from Batman Begins, which was a year before iCarly, that aired until the Dark Knight Rises, which is the same year the Avengers movie was released, or 4 years before the 2016 Olympics, which is just 3 years before Notre Dame caught fire. And that's how time works.

It's Messy

Remember that one time the apocalypse needed cleaning and there was only one person for the job? Terminators are scary!

Left for Rot

Or how 'bout that time the zombies were giving slow chase? There's a medal for the winner who continues living.

The Only One

There was that stint at the office where Banana straight punched Neo in the face and took over his data-mining job...or whatever he was doing. Actuary maybe?

Banana Maximus

Cosplay in a wheat field is not the weirdest thing on the internet. There's no real story here. This is the full width banner on the home page. It'll get changed out someday.

Girl in a jacket